Mansfield – Mt Samaria Loop 

177 High St Mansfield VIC
45.8 km
White: First timer
Green: Beginner
Blue: Intermediate
Black: Advanced
Double Black: Expert

Take on the invigorating challenge of the Mt Samaria Loop and its spectacular views of Mansfield.

The advanced Mt Samaria Loop features an enjoyable and challenging mix of gravel surfaces (some shared with 4WDs), requiring proficient bike handling. While remaining close to vibrant Mansfield, enjoy a wide variety of landscapes from rural farmlands to dense forest and expansive vistas as you ascend into the foothills of Mt Samaria State Forest. This route contains some brief sections where cyclists must ride with extra caution, sharing the road with motorists.

Start location - Mansfield Visitor Information Centre
Finish location - Mansfield Visitor Information Centre
Route distance - 45.8km
Elevation gain - 540m
Water - Mansfield Visitor Information Centre & Mansfield Botanical Gardens
Toilets - Mansfield Visitor Information Centre, Mansfield Botanical Gardens & Blue Range Camping and Picnic Area

Looking for more unforgettable gravel rides? Click here to check out the full Ride High Country gravel network.
